Small Business Spotlight - Brenna Delony

Brenna Delony, Paychex

1. Tell us about your business; and what is your business philosophy?
Paychex offers an ever-growing variety of payroll and human resource products and services that help our clients do what they do best — run their business. From calculating payroll and filing tax payments, to administering retirement plans and workers' compensation, Paychex gives its clients relief from administrative hassles so they can focus on the bottom line.
2. Why are you passionate about your commitment to United Way’s Community Investment Fund?
One of the best ways to feel satisfaction is to give back to those people in need. I may not be able to change the world, but I can help by changing the world around me and that starts with my community.
3. What would your older self tell your younger self?
It all goes by so damn fast, so be where you're at when you're there. Don't wallow in the past or dream too much about the future.  Live now, enjoy now, love now.
4. Favorite quote?
“How you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain.... And so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. In the end it all comes down to one word.... GRACE. It’s how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light.”

Small businesses play a critical role in maintaining a thriving local economy. They are no less important to the success of United Way, as we endeavor to improve lives through our work in education, income, and health. Our Small Business Partners are an important, growing family of donors, who are vital to helping us meet the needs of our community.
To learn more about how you and your business can support United Way, contact Chris Wells at or (352) 316-0666.